Animated Real Paint Effect - Photoshop Add-On 23116581

Animated Real Paint FX - Photoshop Add-On 23116581

A fantastic photo effect to create a realistic painted look on any image. This Tool is very simple to use and works with Photoshop CC (from 2014) in any language. Just install the assets, open a Photo and run the Script to get this painted artwork effect: this is very handy when you want to create an artistic paint but have no tools or experience and it’s great as a present!

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شاب عربي 18 سنة من المغرب، مصمم جرافيك و مؤسس الموقع. اضع بين ايديكم في هذه المدونة مجموعة من الدروس و الملحقات التي تخص برنامج الفوتوشوب

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